Zeiglers wunderbare Welt des Pop




8. Februar 2024 um 22:00 Uhr

Playlist vom 8. Februar

22:07BMX BanditsTime to get away
22:11PondNeon river
22:15Nouvelle Vague feat. BijouShout
22:18Astrel KDarkness at noon
22:23Ben Folds FiveKate
22:26Rhys, GruffCelestial candyfloss
22:32Penny ArcadeJona
22:35The Reds, Pinks and PurplesYour worst song is your greatest hit
22:39The Loch Ness MouseThe cherry blossom in Japan
22:42Sam EvianWild Days (Radio Edit)
22:54Youth LagoonFootball
22:57Tokyo's Coolest ComboCharade
23:05Vesuvio SoloBackyard operation
23:17Yaya BeyChasing the bus
23:20Natural CalamityDown in the valley
23:26Dina ÖgonMilton
23:31Peel Dream MagazineMary, Johnny and me
23:32The High LlamasToriafan
23:36Spencer Cullum's Coin CollectionO Caroline
23:41Project GeminiColours & light
23:45Beach for TigerTake it in
23:51Lee, Dee C.The Paris Match
23:54Cosma, VladimirPromenade sentimentale (Sentimental walk)
23:57The BeatlesGood night

Kult-Moderator Arnd Zeigler lädt ein zu einer Entdeckungsreise durch die wunderbaren Welten des Pop: Neuentdeckungen, Raritäten – und ganz persönliche Geheimtipps.

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